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Who is ISO?



Hi, my name is ISO. Im a random chick on the internet whos also a nerd. I like to do graffiti, work on computers, program, and play video games. I used to run a tech repair side hustle but I ended up stopping because of school work and other things. You can find me on most social medias such as discord, twitter, youtube, etc. under the username slamsout. Most of the time nowadays I just read manga and novels.


I grew up on the elderscrolls games. I originally started with skyrim then went down the line to oblivion, morrowind, daggerfall, and arena. Oblivion has always been my favorite. It has that mix of a decent skill system like morrowind but gameplay more similar to skyrim. In my opinion it also has the best story within the mainline series of games. Even tho oblivion is my favorite i still have more hours in skyrim *cough* 10,000 *cough*

I have never really enjoyed FPS games until I played Titanfall 2. I belive that this is the best FPS movement shooter of all time (and also fps game in general). I have probably over 1000 hours in just this games multiplayer alone (that doesnt mean im good lol) my goto weapon has always been the alternator.

Being a souls fan and having beat all the mainline souls games apart from sekiro and the demonsouls remake (i beat the original on emulator) i always yearned for more souls likes and hollowknight has to be my favorite. While yes, hollow knight is technically a metroidvania i still count it as a souls games. I have 110% this game and my favorite boss has to be the mantis lords.


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    Heres a random textbox, go crazy


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